Identify your proposal for practice themes/projects and directions. Outline what you aim to achieve in the unit.
Following the success of my authorship project, I want to continue to explore similar themes, however I want to expand the reach. My authorship project was very much centred around me and my struggles, and I plan on opening up the audience/reach of this project by viewing themes of wellbeing from a wider approach.
I want to use this unit to explore a few different avenues, as I felt this is what I lacked in authorship, as I found a methodology that was very cathartic for me at that particular time. This meant however that I didn’t do much experimentation as I was very stuck within the framework that felt safe for me.
I also plan on using this unit to professionalise my practice and create a website and a portfolio to leave me in a good position when leaving university and liaising with clients.
Explain the relationship of your practice direction to your longer term ambitions towards completion of your third year. Explain how the proposed projects will further contribute to this development.
My practice is very self-led and informed, however in the future I hope to work with external bodies in order to raise awareness and communicate through design and illustration. My work has become very mental health oriented, and whilst this sometimes annoys me, I know that I have to use my visual communication skills in order to better others.
Following the completion of my BA, I want to go on to study visual communication at the RCA. My outline for this project feels a bit vague, however I know that what I end up doing will inherently fit within the umbrella of visual communication, leaving me in good stead to apply to RCA.
I also feel that allowing myself to create without having the strict structure that ruled my authorship project will allow me to feel a bit more direction within my practice, away from the confines of my fixation on the number 4.
Indicate what you propose to make i.e. What do you propose your outcomes will be.
I am going to allow myself a bit more autonomy for this project, so I do not have a specific outcome in mind. I would quite like to create something where I can complete 64 more pages to reach my target for authorship- I wanted to do 256 drawings but settled at 192. However, I am very conscious that I don’t want to feel trapped again so I may make a conscious decision to actively avoid doing this.
I also plan on using this time to expand the work that I am doing with my pre-existing client Rosentiel’s.
Explain how the proposal relates to the unit learning outcomes. How will the work demonstrate this?
My proposal is a bit vague, however I think that this difference in approach highlights the shift in my practice and the trust in myself that I have attained. I know that through exploration I will be able to reach an outcome that I am happy with. I feel that I always try to work to a professional standard, and the trust that I have in myself to direct this project shows a shift and growth in my personal methodologies.
I think that the shift in my practice also allows my work to reach a wider external audience which feels like the right progression to make during 3rd year.
Indicate any technical support or additional workshop access you anticipate may be required to fulfil this proposal.
I will be using the facilities to my usual level I think at this stage- I love using the workshops anyways- it’s pretty much second nature to me so I can’t think of anything specific I anticipate at this particular time.